Author: admin

It is said that prevention is better than cure. This phrase applies most aptly when it comes to one’s health…

Heart problems have increased massively these days. More and more young people are at risk of having heart conditions than…

Basic Metabolic Panel or BMP test is a blood test to check the glucose level in a person’s blood, as…

Pathology is the study of the science that studies the nature of diseases and how to prevent them. Pathology tests…

Thalassemias are inherited haemoglobin disorders characterized by reduced synthesis of one or more globin chains of adult hemoglobin, HbA (α2β2)….

Owing to the increasingly busier lives that working people live today, health hazards are becoming more common than ever. These…

In these days of super-fast life, finding time for oneself is extremely difficult. It gets even more problematic when one…

With every passing year the lives of working people are getting increasingly busier. Within a twenty-four hour long day, work…

Pap smear or Papanicolaou test is for the prevention, screening, and early detection of cervical cancer. Abnormal Pap smear result…

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is normally formed in health by the liver. This fat is not water…

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