Warning signs of a Heart Stroke

There are warning signs of a heart stroke like any other medical problem. The heart is a very crucial organ that sustains life, and you cannot ignore it. It is best to visit the doctor and quickly do the tests for diagnosing heart conditions. It is also good to be aware that a stroke often comes without any warning and anywhere. 

Warning signs of a heart stroke

Avigna Diagnostics conducts several kinds of tests prescribed by doctors in Hyderabad for heart conditions. This post sheds light on the probable information which you need to know in advance.  

In a typical situation where a person gets a severe headache or transient ischemic attack (TIA), the danger is quite imminent.

What happens when a heart stroke is about to take place? 

How does it occur suddenly, and what can be done? 

Let us understand what a stroke is. The blood flow to a specific region in the brain is blocked. The oxygen supply and nutrients do not reach the cells in the area. It becomes a question of survival!  It automatically becomes a medical emergency where the person has to be hospitalised.

The warning signs may occur a few days before. You need to recognize them and visit the doctor. It may be difficult to predict the actual period when a stroke may occur. However, paying attention to heart-stroke symptoms is vital for survival.

A study was done on some patients to get results that help us understand why advanced tests for diagnosing heart conditions are valued. They include

  • Several or unusual headaches. A sentinel headache occurs just before an event, and it may come a week before the actual stroke. They differ from the normal headaches that one gets due to stress, anxiety, or acidity.
  • A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is considered a ‘ministroke.’ The symptoms may vanish within an hour or 24 hours but do not do great damage. But it is a huge indicator of a bigger attack shortly. Preventive measures help people to prevent an actual stroke within the next 90 days.

Diagnosis of Heart Stroke

Diagnosis of Heart Stroke 

Medical evaluation within 60 minutes

TIA occurs as the chief warning signs of a heart stroke along with paralysis, difficulty in speaking, loss of balance, and trouble with vision. Getting the right treatment immediately is critical for the person to survive.

Risks leading to heart stroke

Various medical conditions after the age of 30 may be responsible for heart problems to occur in men and women. They include high BP, diabetes, high LDL cholesterol, smoking, and sex. Men are more prone to attacks compared to women at any age.

The best way to reduce the risks is to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important to keep a balance in blood pressure and check cholesterol levels every 5 years by testing through healthcare packages.

Avigna Diagnostics can prepare you for healthy living with a host of tests for heart health. It is one of the most hardworking organs in the body throughout your lifetime. Do consult your doctor and give us a chance to help it function to its optimal level. 

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