Can we weather the Coronavirus storm? Are we learning the lessons to fight back?
The spread of any viral disease is influenced by seasonal changes in temperature, humidity and sunlight, and human behavior. The characteristics of the virus like survival, infection capability and pathogenicity are equally important to consider. These factors decide and influence the rain’s impact on coronavirus in 2020.
COVID -19 Vral Disease
Can we all weather this deadly storm? Are we learning the lessons of hygiene and significance of social distancing?

Overview of COVID 19 in Rainy Season:

It is well known that the Indian monsoon activates the probability of diseases like malaria and dengue. This season speculation is on how we can protect ourselves beyond using face masks and gloves. Will the waterborne season begin another cycle of infection? Will we learn how to live with nature and its vagaries? Initially, it was thought was that rising temperatures in India will reduce the rising impact and spread or may even kill the virus. Sadly, it did not happen and the cases continue to rise alarmingly. Thus trials continue to take place worldwide. The scientists are still trying to study the monsoon impact on coronavirus.

Clinical Studies Continue:

COVID-19, being a respiratory disease, shows symptoms of influenza or the common cold, which is prevalent during monsoons. As part of hygiene, we will continue to wash hands with soap and water. It is the simplest protective factor. Initial studies show that rainwater dilutes and cleanses the surfaces. However, the symptoms of the virus remain. People spitting on the road is a critical factor that decides how the infection spreads during this monsoon season. Continuous studies over seasonal impact spread over a number of years will give conclusive evidence on it.
During this Monsoon

Protection Tips:

As most airborne viruses have similar symptoms, diagnosis is often difficult. We have advanced healthcare centers, clinics, and diagnostic labs where it is important to get tested. Correct analysis often delays the right treatment. So, the first protection tip is to find the right diagnostic center to get tested. If the symptoms are merely of common cold and cough you can breathe easy. As the raindrops keep falling over our heads, it is clear that all traces of the virus cannot be washed away.
Advanced Healthcare Centers

As a General Guide:

  • Go for a check-up at a reliable diagnostic center if you feel symptoms of breathlessness and fever.
  • Keep your interiors moist free to avoid entry of airborne virus.
  • Drainage systems should be clean.
  • Continue to wear face masks and gloves when going out.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth after returning from outside. Wash hands and then remain safe.

You also need to practice respiratory cleanliness. When you sneeze or cough use a tissue and throw it away. Cough in the crook of your elbow. Should you develop any medical symptoms, please contact a doctor and get tested immediately. Continue to follow the instructions of the health care professional. If you are asked to be under self-isolation, please do so. Quarantining will help you to recover and also will not let any infection spread to others.

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