Category: Diseases

Does plasma therapy offer hope to treat coronavirus? There is no doubt that plasma plays a very critical part in…

Thrombocytopenia results from decreased marrow production, sequestration in spleen and increased platelet destruction. Reticulated platelets(RP) are newly released platelets which…

Pap smear or Papanicolaou test is for the prevention, screening, and early detection of cervical cancer. Abnormal Pap smear result…

The Effects Of HIV On The Body: Once the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) enters your body, it launches a direct…

Cancer affects a female breast more often than a male breast. Every 1 in 8 women will have breast cancer…

In winter season we come across cold and cough as a common ailment in children and we need to know…

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to utilize glucose as the energy source. This may…

The most common symptoms of gastroenteritis are: Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Crampy abdominal pain Diagnosis: Gastroenteritis is often self-limiting, and the…

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