This test is recommended by doctors to measure the number of white blood cells in the patient’s blood. Eosinophils get activated in the occurrence of allergic diseases and infections.
Doctors may usually prescribe the Absolute Lymphocyte Count test after the patient has suffered an infection. Lymphocytes are integral to the human immune system and help the patient’s body fight diseases. It is absolutely normal to observe a mild increase in lymphocytes after the patient has suffered from an infection.
The Absolute Neutrophil Count is a test that helps doctors measure the number of neutrophil granulocytes in the patient’s blood. Neutrophils are essential to the human body as they are a type of white blood cells that help us fight infection.
This test is recommended by doctors to determine the amount of reticulocytes in the patient’s blood. The test helps doctors evaluate for anaemia or other problems related to the bone marrow. This test is also usually recommended as a follow-up blood test.
This test is recommended by doctors to study the patient’s blood coagulation. The test helps doctors to detect abnormalities in blood clotting, or to monitor treatment for other ailments.
This test is conducted by doctors to determine how long it takes for patient’s blood to clot and stop bleeding. This test is usually conducted by making small cuts (like scratches) on the patient’s body to measure the bleeding time.
The Blood Group and Rh test is used to determine an individual’s blood group, to check if the patient’s blood group is A, B, AB, or O. Further, the test helps doctors establish if the patient is Rh positive or Rh negative.
Peripheral Smear Examination: This test is usually recommended by doctors as a follow-up to other tests that evaluate blood cells. A drop of blood is spread thinly over a glass slide and automated digital machines evaluate the blood smears.
The Bone Marrow Iron Stain test is recommended by doctors to study the patient for disorders in the bone marrow. A minimum of four smears are needed for the blood test, to give the doctors an idea of the patient’s bone marrow.
This test uses smears from the patient to observe for disorders in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is a spongy tissue that is found inside long bones, and it helps in producing new blood cells.
Blood clotting time test are usually recommended by doctors to observe and diagnose bleeding problems in the patient. It is also used to monitor the clotting time of people who use anticoagulant medicines like warfarin and other medicines.
This test is recommended by doctors to evaluate the patient’s health and to observe for a variety of disorders ranging from anaemia, infection and leukaemia. The test measures for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Haemoglobin, among others.
The Differential Count test is used by doctors to measure and analyse the percentage of each type of white blood cells in the patient’s blood. The test is also useful as it reveals any sort of abnormal or immature cells.
Red Blood Cells are cells that carry Oxygen from the lungs to all the different parts of the body, and then carry Carbon Dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. The RBC Count test checks for low levels of Red Blood Cells, which could be indicative of anaemia.
Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. They also carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs so it can be exhaled. If the RBC count is low (anaemia), the body may not be getting the oxygen it needs.
The ESR test is recommended by doctors to help observe for inflammation in case of infections, cancers and autoimmune diseases. The test is usually recommended when there is a suspected inflammation in any part of the patient’s body.
The Fibrinogen test is used by doctors to check the levels of fibrinogen in the patient’s blood. Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver that helps in normal blood clotting in the patient’s body.
The direct Coombs test is used by doctors to look for antibodies that may be stuck to the surface of Red Blood Cells. This test is usually recommended by doctors if the patient shows signs of anaemia or jaundice.
The indirect Coombs test is used by doctors to detect free-flowing antibodies against certain red blood cells. This test is usually recommended if the patient may have a reaction to a blood transfusion.
FDPs are components produced when clot degenerates. This test may be recommended by doctors when there is suspected Leukaemia, kidney disease, stroke, pulmonary embolism, or a deep vein thrombosis, among other reasons.
Haemoglobin is essential for proper body functioning as it is the protein that carries Oxygen to various body parts and then Carbon Dioxide back to lungs. If lower levels of Haemoglobin are detected, it could indicate anaemia.
These are Malaria antigen detections tests that are quick, easy and convenient and help doctors quickly and safely diagnose for malaria.
This test is recommended when doctors suspect that the patient may have been afflicted by malaria. This test is quick and easy and helps doctors arrive at the diagnosis quickly.
The MPV test is an automatic, mechanised test that tests the patient’s blood to observe the average size of platelets. The Mean Platelet Volume test is often a part of the Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test.
The Osmotic Fragility Test is recommended by doctors to test for Thalassemia and Hereditary Spherocytosis. The Osmotic Fragility Test helps doctors to check if abnormal levels of Hemoglobin are being produced in the patient’s body.
Packed Cell Volume is the percentage of Red Blood Cells that are circulating in the patient’s blood. A high PCV indicates dehydration or an abnormal surplus in the production of red blood cells. A low PCV indicates Red Blood Cells lost in the body due to loss of blood, bone marrow dysfunction, or cell destruction, among others.
This test helps doctors to arrive at the cause of inflammation of the pericardium, or fluid around the heart. The test is recommended when the patient feels chest pain, coughing, breathing problem, fever, among other reasons.
This test is conducted to draw out fluid from peritoneal area, the part of the abdomen where the gastrointestinal organs are present. This test helps doctors plan the future course of the treatment.
A platelet count is recommended by doctors to observe and measure the platelets in the patient’s blood. Platelets are crucial to us as they help blood to clot, and thus help in healing of wounds and injuries.
The Protein C test is recommended by doctors to check if the patient suffers from mild or severe Protein C deficiency. Protein C deficiency leads to the formation of type of blood clot known as deep vein thrombosis.
Among other reasons, the Prothrombin Time test is recommended if patients experience a lot of bleeding. The PT test helps the doctors analyse the amount of time it takes for the patient’s blood to clot. Prothrombin is one of the proteins that help in the clotting of blood.
This test helps doctors to observe the reticulocytes in the patient’s blood. Reticulocytes are immature blood cells. This test gives information about the body’s creation and release of red blood cells in a proper manner.
This test measures the number of antibodies in the patient’s blood sample. The test is recommended when the doctor suspects that you may have acquired a disorder, as the antibodies will reveal in the results.
The Sickling test is recommended to analyse and observe if the patient has an abnormal level of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
The Thrombin Time test is recommended by doctors when the patient has experienced bleeding disorder, or inappropriate clot formation.
The TLC test measures the number of white blood cells in the patient’s body. Abnormal results (either high or low) could indicate a disorder related to red blood cells.