Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) - A Prognostic Indicator of Platelet Recovery.

Thrombocytopenia results from decreased marrow production, sequestration in spleen and increased platelet destruction. Reticulated platelets(RP) are newly released platelets which are larger and more reactive than mature platelets and contain RNA. According to some studies on Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF), the percentage of RPs reflects the severity of damage to platelets and the generation of platelets in bone marrow. Platelet RNA content is directly proportional megakaryocytic activity. In low megakaryocytic activity- low RNA content and high megakaryocytic activity- high RNA content and estimation rate of thrombopoiesis. Very few centers in Hyderabad have this facility and Avigna Diagnostic laboratories is one among which performs this.

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