The Effects Of HIV On The Body:
Once the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) enters your body, it launches a direct attack on your immune system. It gradually weakens your natural defenses against disease and infection and can affect every part of your body. Find out how.

1. Flu-like symptoms
2. Ulcers on lips, mouth,and tongue
3. Chronic Diarrhea
4. Loss of memory, staggering gait, seizures
5. Anxiety and depression
6. Kidney damage
7. Immune system destroyed
8. Weight loss and fatigue

HIV and AIDS - The Effects Of HIV On The Body

What is HIV?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus” is a virus that destroys the immune system of the infected person progressively and once the virus invades the body it cannot be eliminated but only the replication of the virus can be retarded.
“AIDS” is the terminal stage of the HIV infection and development of AIDS may range from few months to 10 years or more.

How does a person get the HIV infection?
HIV infection is transmitted through – Blood, Breast milk, Vaginal Secretions and Semen.

In men HIV progresses through 3 stages:

  1. Acute Flu-Like Symptoms – These develop in 2-4 weeks from the time of infection. The symptoms are – cough, fever, cold, fatigue, nausea and sometimes vomiting. In some people ulcers on the lips, mouth and genitalia also develop. These symptoms last for 1-2 weeks. The earlier the HIV infection is Diagnosed and the Anti-Retroviral Therapy (art) is started the quality of life and also protection of others from getting infected are possible.
  2. Asymptomatic Stage – This stage lasts for months to years. This stage is symptom free and the person feels healthy and active but the virus is actively replicating in the body and the person is infective to others.
  3. Advanced Infected Stage – The person’s immune system is extensively destroyed and opportunistic organisms will invade the body. Diseases that infect birds and animals but not a healthy man will cause diseases. The person is infective to others. Such persons have gross weight loss, chronic diarrhea, fatigue, recurrent infections and memory loss as well as other neurological problems.

The earlier the HIV infection is Diagnosed and the Anti-Retroviral Therapy (art) is started the quality of life and also protection of others from getting infected are possible.

What are the tests done to detect HIV?

  1. HIV Tridot spot test
  2. HIV Antibody Detection Spot test by Lateral Immuno Chromatography
  3. HIV Ag/Ab Combo –CMIA method

According to NACO any two of the above tests are positive a person is considered as positive for HIV infection in the screening method.
Further & final confirmation is by HIV RTPCR method.

Health tips:

  1. Always have one partner and practice safe sex.
  2. Never say yes to abnormal sexual practices.
  3. Never share used hypodermic needles.
  4. Never accept blood or blood products that are not certified as negative for HIV and other blood borne diseases.

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