
Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) is one of the enzymes found in males in the prostate gland and semen. PAP is released into the blood if there is any dysfunction in the prostate. PAP determination is one of the important tests for prostate cancer. This test is crucial in the early diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.
This test is conducted if there is a suspected increase in progressive and metastasizing prostate carcinoma. Increased levels of Acid Phosphatase – Total could also hint at Gaucher’s disease or Niemann Pick disease.
is an enzyme (EC involved in purine metabolism. It is needed for the breakdown of adenosine from food and for the turnover of nucleic acids in tissues. Adenosine deaminase deficiency, also called ADA deficiency or ADA-SCID is a metabolic disorder that causes immunodeficiency.
The ACTH test is conducted by endocrinologists to analyse and study the proper functioning of adrenal glands and their response to the adrenocorticotropic hormone. Produced by the pituitary gland, Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the production and release of cortisol in the adrenal gland.
This test measures the amount of Alanine Transaminase in the bloodstream. The enzyme is mostly found in the liver, and in smaller quantities in other parts like kidneys, heart, pancreas, etc. This test allows us to know if the liver is damaged.
The Albumin test helps us to ascertain the amounts of Albumin in the body. A protein made by the liver, the Albumin test measures the amount of Albumin in the clear liquid portion of the blood. Sometimes, the test is also conducted by analysing the patient’s urine.
This urine test allows doctors to measure the presence of Albumin in the patient’s urine. This amount is then compared to a waste product in the urine – Cretonne. This ration is then studied for the Albumin/Creatinine Ratio test.
Found in our bloodstream, Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme that breaks down the proteins in your body. The ALP test checks for abnormal levels of Alkaline Phosphatase in the body, as that is a sign of dysfunctional liver, gall bladder or bones.
Alpha Feto Protein is produced by immature liver cells in the foetus. Infants at birth have a high AFP level, as do pregnant women. AFP test measures the amount of AFP in the blood. High AFP levels in adults who aren’t pregnant could be indicative of liver dysfunction.
A nitrogen waste compound that is normally excreted in urine, the Ammonia test checks for excessive levels of ammonia, or its accumulation in the blood. This generally occurs when there is a malfunctioning of kidneys or liver, and this has resulted in Ammonia getting accumulated in the bloodstream.
Found in our bloodstream, Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme that breaks down the proteins in your body. The ALP test checks for abnormal levels of Alkaline Phosphatase in the body, as that is a sign of dysfunctional liver, gall bladder or bones.
A nitrogen waste compound that is normally excreted in urine, the Ammonia test checks for excessive levels of ammonia, or its accumulation in the blood. This generally occurs when there is a malfunctioning of kidneys or liver, and this has resulted in Ammonia getting accumulated in the bloodstream.
Amylase is one of the most important digestive enzymes that helps the body break down starch. An Amylase test is ordered with the patient complains of severe abdominal or back pain, fever, loss of appetite, or nausea. Abnormal levels of Amylase in the patient’s blood or urine, it suggests disorder of pancreas.
This test is usually ordered if the patient is experiencing any symptoms of liver disease, like jaundice, dark urine, nausea or abdominal swelling. If there is a dysfunction in body tissue or organs such as the heart or liver, then high levels of Aspartate Aminotransferase are found in the bloodstream.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced in a portion of the placenta. If the patient is not pregnant, then high levels of hCG could be indicative of a tumour.
is a serum based test that looks for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), to see if they are at abnormal levels. Unless the patient is carrying, this test could be indicative of a tumour.
This test looks for abnormal levels of Bicarbonate in the body and could be recommended by specialists when there are symptoms like vomiting/diarrhoea, weakness/fatigue, or difficulty in breathing. A Bicarbonate test could be indicative of a number of ailments in kidneys, lungs, and also metabolic conditions.
Also known by the name Unconjugated Bilirubin, this test looks for abnormal levels of Bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is produced by the human body when it is breaking down haemoglobin in red blood cells. Since Bilirubin is normally removed from the body, this test helps us to know how well the liver if functioning.
A yellow-orange pigment that is produced as a waste during the breakdown of haemoglobin, Bilirubin test looks for abnormal levels of Bilirubin in the body. This could be indicative of a number of symptoms such as liver-related problems.
This test is also known as Conjugated Bilirubin test, and looks for abnormal levels of Bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a part of Bile, which helps us digest the food that we eat. Direct Bilirubin travels through the blood and to the liver. It is also responsible for giving urine a yellow colour.
Bilirubin is a waste product that is produced when the human body breaks down haemoglobin in the red blood cells. The Bilirubin Total test is a combination of both Bilirubin Direct and Bilirubin Indirect tests.
This test looks for abnormal levels of Urea Nitrogen in the patient’s blood, as that can be indicative of dysfunctional kidneys or liver. Urea Nitrogen is created in the body when proteins are broken down and decomposed.
Calcium Test is recommended by a specialist when there is a suspected dysfunction in nerves, kidneys, heart, bones, and teeth. Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the human body and is especially important for children in the growing years as it helps in proper development of bones and teeth.
The Calcium- Spot test looks for specks of calcium in different parts of the body. In case of a coronary Calcium test, the specialist will look for specks of Calcium in the walls of the heart. This test is indicative of Calcifications, which might be early signs of coronary heart disease (CHD).
This Urine test looks for abnormal ratio of Calcium and Creatinine in the body. An abnormal Calcium/Creatinine Ratio test could be recommended by the specialist when there is suspected dysfunction of the kidneys.
Carcino Embryonic Antigen is produced in the gastro-intestinal tract when the embryo is in development stage. After birth, minute amounts of CEA are produced in the body. High levels of CEA could be indicative of some forms of Cancer.
A test for Wilson Disease, this test looks for abnormal levels of Ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin is produced in the liver and carries about 95% of copper in blood. This test could be suggested by a specialist when there might be symptoms of copper deficiency in the patient’s body.
This is a test to observe the levels of Cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid, also known as CSF provides cushioning from the brain and spinal cord and protects them from injuries. While the fluid is clear and has the same consistency, any colouring in the Cerebrospinal fluid could lead to further diagnosis.
Chloride is a very important element in the human body as it helps in the essential process of metabolism. Chloride is also important in keeping the body’s acid-base balance in check. This is usually a blood sample test, and higher levels of chloride could indicate a condition called hyperchloremia.
This test observes the levels of Chloride in the patient’s urine sample. Chloride is an essential electrolyte in the human body that aids metabolism. Chloride also helps to keep the body’s pH levels in check. A specialist might recommend a Chloride-urine test in case of fatigue, muscle weakness, craving for salt, etc. among other symptoms.
HDL Cholesterol is also called as ‘Good cholesterol’, as it is needed by the heart to perform its daily functions like pumping blood. HDL Cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease. HDL particle is generally dense, and hence it is called High-Density Lipoprotein.
LDL, which stands for Low Density Lipoprotein, is also called as ‘Bad cholesterol’. High levels of LDL could result in a building up on cholesterol in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Cholesterol test is used to observe the levels of cholesterol in the patient’s body. Total cholesterol consists of HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and other lipid components. The Total Cholesterol levels in the body can be indicative of risk for heart diseases in the patient.
This is a blood-sample based test that is used to observe the acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterase, both substances that are essential for the nervous system to send and receive neural signals.
Cortisol is a steroid that is found in the human body, which is released by the adrenal glands, situated on top of the kidneys. This test helps the doctor to observe the patient’s cortisol levels in the blood sample.
This test is conducted to observe the levels of Cortisol in a patient’s urine sample. Cortisol is essential to the body as it controls blood sugar, regulates blood pressure, and helps the body in fighting infections.
C-reactive protein test is carried out on the patient’s blood sample, and used to observe the levels of the protein by the name C-reactive protein. High levels of CRP could indicate infections and other long-term diseases. The test may also be recommended by the specialist to check for infection after surgery.
This test may be recommended by the specialist in case the patient feels symptoms like chest pain, shortage of breath, dizziness, fatigue, or nausea.
The Creatinine test is conducted on the patient’s blood sample to test the levels of Creatinine. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced when creatine is broken down. Abnormal levels of Creatinine could hint at dysfunctional kidneys.
The Creatinine – Spot test is recommended when the doctor suspects dysfunction of the kidneys. This test measures the levels of creatinine in the patient’s urine. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced by the body when creatine is broken down by the body.
The Creatinine Clearance Test helps doctor observe the functioning of the kidneys. The test compares the levels of creatinine in the patient’s urine sample with the patient’s blood sample, as a reflection of the functioning of the patient’s kidneys.
CPK is an enzyme in the human body that is mostly found in the heart, brain, and skeletal muscle. High levels of CPK could indicate injury or stress to the heart, brain or muscle tissue. The test is used to diagnose heart attack, evaluate the cause of chest pain, or to determine the extent of damage to muscles.
This test is usually conducted on the patient’s blood sample to check for problems related to blood clotting. The doctor might recommend this test if the patient shows symptoms of blood clotting like swelling of leg, sharp pain in chest, nausea, seizures, among other symptoms.
This test is conducted to check for samples of drugs of abuse. The 9 Drugs Panel includes Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine Metabolites, Marijuana Metabolites, Methadone, Opiates, Propoxyphene, PCP (Phencyclidine).
This test checks the patient for samples of the drugs Methamphetamine, Amphetamine, Opiates, Marijuana, and Cocaine.
This test is conducted to observe the levels of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) in the patient’s blood. The enzyme GGT is mostly present in the liver, as well as spleen, pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder. The doctor may recommend a GGT test in case of suspected liver damage.
This test is recommended by the doctor to observe the levels of Globulin in the patient’s blood. Globulins are a group of proteins in the human blood. Globulins are produced by the immune system and liver.
Glomerular Filtration Rate is used to measure the functioning of the kidney, and to know the extent of kidney damage. The GFR test helps the doctor to plan the patient’s treatment. A low GFR number indicated dysfunctional kidneys.
This test is used to observe the patient’s Fasting blood sugar (FBS). This test measures blood glucose after the patient has not eaten for a time span of 8 hours. The Glucose-Fasting test is mostly the first test to check for prediabetes and diabetes.
This test is conducted to check the patient’s Post Lunch Blood Sugar levels. Blood glucose levels increase after consumption of food. This causes pancreas to release insulin, which helps the body to channelize the glucose in the blood and store it for energy.
Glucose testing is an important test that helps doctors observe the patient’s symptoms and track diabetes. Random blood glucose levels might differ based on the time the patient had last eaten. Random glucose readings can help the doctor identify hyperglycemia and other ailments.
G6PD is an enzyme found in cells, including red blood cells (RBCs), that helps protect them from certain toxic by-products. G6PD deficiency leads to the RBCs becoming more prone to breaking apart.
The Glucose F/PP test compares the glucose levels in the patient’s body while fasting and Post-prandial, i.e. after a meal. When we consume carbohydrates in our food, our body breaks it down to extract Glucose, which is the main source of energy for the body.
This is a test that helps the doctor to observe the patient’s glycohemoglobin levels. Glycohemoglobin test observes the amount of glucose bound to the haemoglobin in RBC (red blood cells). The coat of sugar on the haemoglobin is thicker if there’s more sugar in the blood.
This test helps the doctors observe the patient’s arteries for inflammation. C-reactive protein (also called CRP) is generally associated with swelling or arteries and could be indicative of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease.
Immunoglobulins are nothing but antibodies in the blood. Antibodies are proteins created by the immune system to fight antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Immunoglobulin A (IgA), is found in high concentrations in the mucous membranes, saliva, and tears.
Immunoglobulin G is the most commonly found type of antibody, and is generally located in all body fluids. IgG helps the body fight against bacterial and viral infections.
This is a test that observes the levels of Immunoglobulin M, found mainly in the blood and lymph fluid. IgM is the first antibody produced by the body when there is a new infection.
This test is conducted to observe the patient's’ Ionized Calcium levels in the body. This test may be recommended by the doctor in case of major surgery, abnormal blood protein levels, critical illness, or if the patient is receiving blood transfusions.
This test is conducted to observe the patient’s Iron levels in the blood. Iron is essential to the body for the formation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency could lead to anemia, while high levels of Iron could be toxic to various organs in the body.
This test is recommended by doctors to observe the patient’s Total iron binding capacity (TIBC). This test provides results if the patient has too much or too little iron in the blood. Typically, low TIBC levels indicate high levels of iron, and high iron binding capacity levels typically indicate low levels of iron in the blood.
This test is conducted to observe the levels of Lactate acid in the patient’s body. Lactic acid is important to maintain the body’s acid-base (pH) balance.
This test may be used in the evaluation of a number of diseases and conditions. LDH is an enzyme found in the body's cells that is released from cells into the fluid portion of blood (serum or plasma) when cells are damaged or destroyed. Hence, the levels of LDH are indicative of tissue/cellular damage.
This test is conducted to observe the levels of Lipase in the patient’s serum. Lipase is an enzyme that are produced by the pancreas. They aid in tasks like digestion, and transport of essential lipids in most living organisms.
This test is recommended by the doctor to observe the levels of Lipoprotein a (Lp-a) in the patient’s bloodstream. High levels of Lipoprotein a could be indicative of heart ailments in the patient.
This test is conducted to observe the levels of Lithium in the patient’s blood. Usually, this test is ordered when the patient has begun taking additional medication, to check if the Lithium levels in the blood have changed.
This test is conducted to check the levels of Luteinising Hormones in the body. It affects men and women and can be indicative of reproductive health issues in both men and women.
Magnesium is required by the heart to perform its normal functions and regulate blood pressure. The Magnesium test may be ordered by the doctor to check the patient’s Magnesium levels in the blood by displaying symptoms like cramps, muscle weakness, seizures, etc.
Also known as the the albumin-to-creatinine ratio test, this test is conducted to observe the levels of albumin in the patient’s urine sample. Presence of albumin is indicative of kidney damage.
While this is mostly a blood-sample based test, it is sometimes also conducted on the patient’s urine samples. High levels of Myoglobulin could be damaging to the patient’s kidneys.
This test observes the patient’s ability to use glucose. Glucose is the body’s main source of energy and this test is usually conducted to check pregnant women for gestational diabetes.
This test measures the concentration of particles in urine. This test is usually ordered by the doctor to evaluate the body's water ability to produce and concentrate urine.
This test is ordered by the doctor to observe the patient’s concentration of chemical particles in the fluid part of blood. Abnormal levels of chemical particles in the fluid part of the patient’s blood could be indicative of a number of ailments.
This test is ordered by the doctor to observe and monitor the amount of Phenytoin in the patient’s blood. This is usually done when the patient has begun treatment that includes Phenytoin, which helps the brain slow down impulses that cause seizures.
This test is conducted to test the patient’s Phosphorus levels in a blood sample. Phosphorous is needed by the body for a number of functions like functioning of nerves, repair bones and teeth, contraction of muscles, etc.
This test is conducted on a patient’s urine sample, collected over a span of 24 hours. An abnormal level of phosphorus is indicative of dysfunction of kidneys.
This test is used by doctors to observe the levels of Potassium in the patient’s blood. Potassium is found in a wide number of food items and helps in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves.
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This test is recommended by the doctor to test the levels of protein that is being excreted through urine. If the protein content is too much, it indicates dysfunction in the kidneys, which are supposed to retain the protein and use it for the body.
This test is recommended by the doctors to observe the amounts of protein that are being discharged in the patient’s urine. Ideally, kidneys should absorb the proteins, which are essential for the body’s functioning. However, high levels of protein in the urine could be indicative of a number of scenarios like kidney damage, infections, stress or pregnancy (among others).
The doctor may recommend a total protein test as part of a routine health check-up. A total protein test gives a fair idea of the patient’s nutritional status, and also to check abnormal pooling of fluid in tissue.
This test is recommended by doctors as part of a routine health check-up. It is also recommended by the doctor when the patient has gone through sudden weight loss, is suffering from a kidney or liver disorder, or if the patient suffers from edema.
This test is recommended by doctors to determine the ratio between Protein and Creatinine in the patient’s body. This test gives the doctor an estimate of the amount of protein that is lost by the patient.
This test is recommended by doctors to determine the levels of Sodium in the patient’s blood. Sodium is needed by the body for a number of processes and is available in a large number of foods, most commonly Table Salt. This test helps doctors analyse if the right amounts of sodium are being absorbed by the body. High levels of Sodium are indicative of hypernatremia and lower than normal levels of Sodium are indicative of hyponatremia.
This test is recommended by doctors when a stone has passed through, or has been removed from the urinary tract of the patient. This analysis helps doctors to analyse the composition of a kidney stone and to plan the treatment.
The Total IgE test is recommended by specialists when there is a need to test for allergic diseases. It is recommended by symptoms like itching, nausea, vomiting etc. are observed.
Transferrins are glycoproteins in the human body that control the levels of iron in biological fluids. The doctor recommends Transferrin test when the patient displays symptoms like dizziness, nausea, pale skin, etc.
This test is usually a part of a lipid profile to check for developing heart disease. This test is usually recommended for people who are 45 years or older (55 for women), smokers, those who suffer from hypertension, etc.
This test is recommended by doctors when they wish to check the urea levels in the patient’s blood. Urea is a waste product that is produced when proteins are broken down in the body. Urea is then filtered by the kidneys and flushed out through urine.
Uric acid is generally recommended by doctors to help diagnose gout in patients. It is also used to check if kidney stones are formed due to high uric acid levels, and to check for uric acid levels in patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
This test is conducted to check if the levels of Valporic Acid in the bloodstream are at normal levels. The test is usually recommended when the patient begins Valporic Acid treatment and/or if their medications change.
Zinc is one of the most essential minerals in our body and one that is commonly found in various kinds of food. Zinc assists a large number of day-to-day activities of the body, ranging from healing, immunity, and blood clotting, among others. This test analyses the levels of Zinc in the patient’s body.